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Publications Scientifiques

  1. Berger J., Lo N., Anne-Claire Boury-Brisset, A New Sensor Network Collection Tasking Approach for Persistent Situational Awareness (soumis)

  2. Berger J., Lo N., Anne-Claire Boury-Brisset, A New Swarm Collection Tasking Approach for Persistent Situational Awareness, Publication Reference: STO-MP-SCI-341, doi: 10.14339/STO-MP-SCI-341-06-PDF,

  1. Ibrahim A.A., Lo N., Abdulaziz R.O., Ishaya J.A., CAPACITATED VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM, granthaalayah, Volume 7 Issue 3 IJRG (March 2019), pages 310-327. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2636820

  2. Abdullahi Ibrahim11, Jeremiah Ishaya, Nassirou Lo, Rabiat Abdulaziz, Capacitated vehicle routing problem with column generation and reinforcement learning techniques, Vol. 3 (2020), Issue 1, pp. 41 – 54, ISSN: 2617-9687 (Online) 2617-9679 (Print), DOI: 10.30538/psrp-odam2020.0029

  3. Jeremiah A. Ishaya, Abdullahi A. Ibrahim, and Nassirou Lo, A Comparative Analysis of the Travelling Salesman Problem Exact and Machine Learning Techniques, Open J. Discret. Appl. Math. 2019, 2(3), 23-37; doi:10.30538/psrp-odam2019.0020

  4. Berger J., Lo N., Noel Martin, Noutegne L., DYNAQUEST- A new Dynamic and Stochastic Multi-Satellite Collection Scheduling Problem (ICORES), In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES, ISBN 978-989-758-396-4, pages 194-201. DOI: 

  5. Berger J., Giasson E., Florea M., Abielmona R., Falcon R., Lo N., A Graph-based Genetic Approach to Solve the Virtual Constellation Multi-Satellite Collection Scheduling Problem under uncertainties of clouds, July 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2018.8477700, Conference: 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).

  6. Berger J., Lo N., Barkaoui M., QUEST - A New Quadratic Decision Model for the Multi-Satellite Collection Scheduling Problem, Computers and Operations Research 115 (2020) 104822; doi:

  7. Lo N., Berger J., Barkaoui M., MOSAIC – A Multi-Satellite Collection Scheduling Solution for Large Area Coverage (2018 à paraître).

  8. Lo N., Berger J., Noël M., Static Target Search Path Planning Optimization with Heterogeneous Agents, Annals of Operations Research, 244(2), 295-312.

  9. Berger J., Lo N., Optimal Search-and-Rescue Path Planning for a Moving Target (soumis à EJOR).

  10. Lo N., An Exact and Innovative Algorithm for the One Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem (ORCSPP) in a directed acyclic graph. (à paraître).

  11. Berger J., Lo N., An Innovative Multi-Agent Search-And-Rescue path Planning Approach, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 53, January 2015, Pages 24–31.

  12. Berger J., Lo N., A New Multi-Target, Multi-Agent Search-and- Rescue Path Planning Approach, International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering, International Science Index Vol: 8, No: 6, 2014.

  13. Lo N., Berger J., Noël M., Toward optimizing static target search path planning, Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications (CISDA), 2012 IEEE Symposium, 1-7.

  14. Berger J., Lo N., Noël M., Exact Solution for Search-and-Rescue Path Planning, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering 2 (3).

  15. Berger J., Lo N., Noël M., Boukhtouta A., An Information-theoretic–based Integer Linear Programming Approach for the Discrete Centralized Static Closed-Loop Search Path Planning Problem, Optimization Letters: Volume 9, Issue 8 (2015), Page 1585-1607.

  16. Belfares L., W. Klibi, N. Lo and A. Guitouni (2007). Multi-Objective Tabu Search Procedure for Progressive Resource Allocation, European Journal of Operational Research 177, 1779-1799.

  17. Urli B., Lo N., Guitouni A., Une approche d’optimisation dans la génération de Plans d’Actions (COA), 31th Annual ASAC Conference, Halifax, Nouvelle Écosse, Canada, 2003, Juin 14-17.

  18. Lo N., Étude du niveau de certains corps, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 1 (1999), 131-146.

  19. Lo N., Étude du niveau de certains corps quartiques de Q, Vol. 48, No II, PUB. IRMA, LILLE (1998).

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